

Teaching Assistant

  • STA 199: Introduction to Data Science (Head TA, Spring 2024; Duke)
  • STA 470S: Introduction to Statistical Consulting (Spring 2023; Duke)
  • STA 440: Case Studies in the Practice of Statistics (Fall 2021; Duke)
  • STA 210: Regression Analysis (Head TA, Fall 2020, Spring 2021; Duke)
  • STA 111: Probability and Statistical Inference (Fall 2019; Duke)
  • MATH 301: Discrete Mathematics (Alabama)
  • MATH 343: Applied Diff Eq II (Alabama)

Mentorship Experience

  • Mentored a group of 4 undergraduates in the pilot program of the intensive Thesis Proposal Writing Workshop. (May 2024; Duke)
  • Member of the Graduate Consultative Committee for the department of statistical science. (2022 academic year)
  • Project manager for a Data+ project exploring the relationship between mental health and the justice system in Durham County, North Carolina; with by Maria Tackett and Nicole Schramm-Sapyta. (Summer 2022; Duke)
  • Mentored a senior undergraduate student on her independent study researching Bayesian modeling of febrile death adjudication; with Amy Herring. (Spring 2022; Duke)
  • Mentored a group of 5 undergraduates new to statistical research at the Undergraduate Research in Statistical Sciene Workshop. (May 2021; Duke)